How long does it take to recover from a traumatic brain injury?

The prognosis for mild traumatic brain injury is usually better than for moderate traumatic brain injury, and the prognosis for moderate traumatic brain injury is often better than for severe traumatic brain injury. With a concussion (mild TBI), most people recover most or all of their brain function within 3 months of the injury, and most recover sooner. BITs tend to heal quickly at first, with many improvements before progression slows down. The first six months are usually when the greatest improvement is observed after an injury, and then patients continue to progress for several more years.

After that, progress tends to slow down. This is because the damage persists, but severe symptoms (such as bleeding and swelling) have decreased. This content has been reviewed and approved by experts from the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems (TBIMS), funded by the National Institute for Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research, as well as experts from the Polytrauma Rehabilitation Centers (PRC), funded by the U. is unique, and therefore the recovery process will look a little different for everyone.

Curran et al found that the presence of anxiety and depression was more strongly associated with coping style than with the severity or even presence of brain injury in traumatized patients. Multiple brain injuries and severe brain injuries can be a precursor to problems with coordination and balance, as well as seizures in rare cases. In the first few weeks after a moderate to severe brain injury, swelling, bleeding, or changes in brain chemistry often affect the function of healthy brain tissue. Therefore, if you have suffered many blows to the head, the experts at the Neulife Brain Injury and Rehabilitation Center strongly recommend that you consult a doctor.

Traumatic brain injury is the leading cause of disability in people under the age of 40, severely disabling between 150 and 200 people per million per year. It is at these crucial early times that you should speak with an experienced brain injury lawyer. There is also a growing awareness of the high incidence of long-term psychiatric disorders following traumatic brain injury. To decide on the next level of care, doctors will discuss your loved one's medical condition and diagnosis and brain injury programs in your area.

Additional information and resources to help find the right place for your loved one may also be available through local, state, and national brain injury associations. Moderate to severe traumatic brain injury is a major cause of death and disability in the United States, with an average of 166 related deaths per day, according to the CDC. It is common and understandable for family members and other caregivers to have many questions about the long-term effects of brain injury on the injured person's ability to function in the future. Data from the Brain Injury Research Institute have shown that every year, approximately 10% of athletes who play contact sports suffer concussion injuries.

Below are some of the benefits that a person can expect to get between 3 and 12 months after their brain injury. Although it aims to meet the needs of all people with long-term neurological disorders4, its relevance to people with traumatic brain injury cannot be overemphasized.