Can previous head injuries cause problems years later?

CTE and related head injuries can cause short-term memory problems and difficulty making reasoned decisions and judgments. While most people don't have symptoms within two weeks, some people may experience problems for months or even years after a minor head injury. When people recover from brain injury, those pathways will return to normal or continue to malfunction. If they fail to revert to healthier signaling after the trauma of the acute injury subsides, the result is long-term dysfunction of neurovascular coupling and, therefore, long-term symptoms of TBI.

Most traumatic brain injuries are labeled as “mild concussions that will hopefully resolve within a week or two after the injury. As bad as mild TBI may be, moderate and severe brain injuries pose even greater challenges in the long term. We discovered an entirely new technology that researchers were using to identify and understand veterans' brain injuries. Researchers also warn that the risk of epilepsy is particularly high immediately after a brain injury and can last more than a decade even for a mild head injury.

I had a major brain injury from a motorcycle accident at age 18 I had multiple brain injuries from domestic violence I find it difficult to write this now at 38 I use to treat cancer now I can't leave my house, please help everyone with brain injuries. Between 80,000 and 90,000 people who suffer traumatic brain injuries (TBI) each year develop long-term disabilities related to their TBI. While it may be impossible to connect these symptoms to a head injury many years before with certainty, doctors are now sure that head injuries can damage the brain in ways that may not be apparent until years later. Other disorders that have been associated with brain injuries that occurred in the past include perceptive-motor disorders, secondary psychiatric disorders such as depression, and conditions such as early-onset Alzheimer's or early-onset Parkinson's disease.

I can't believe that over the years since the original article was published here, people are still posting unanswered health questions and concerns that may very well be related to brain injuries for years. According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, approximately 60% of people with a moderate traumatic head injury recover completely with minimal persistent symptoms. A traumatic brain injury often occurs due to a direct blow to the head, but it can be the result of any discordant movement that causes the brain to break against the skull. Nontraumatic brain injuries usually damage the brain from lack of oxygen as a result of internal bleeding, clotting, or toxins, or as a result of pressure placed on areas of the brain from a tumor.

Recent studies are raising new concerns about the long-term effects of concussions and other undetected brain injuries that can remain dormant and undiscovered for months or even years. That's a staggering number of brain injuries, and it doesn't even include mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI), commonly known as concussions, that didn't result in a trip to the emergency room.