How long after a head injury can symptoms appear

Signs and symptoms may appear immediately, within 24 hours, or they may appear days or weeks after the injury. A person may notice a problem but not relate it to the injury. Some people seem to have no symptoms after a traumatic brain injury, but their condition gets worse later. The signs and symptoms of a concussion may be subtle and may not manifest immediately.

Symptoms can last for days, weeks, or even longer. In most people, symptoms develop within the first seven to 10 days and go away within 3 months. Sometimes, they can persist for a year or more. Some mild symptoms of brain injury and concussion may appear right away, while others may not appear for hours or days after the injury.

Symptoms usually improve over time, and most people with a mild traumatic brain injury or concussion feel better within a couple of weeks. Some symptoms of a traumatic brain injury occur immediately after the traumatic event. Others may not appear for several days or weeks. More severe and traumatic brain injuries will require individualized and often emergency care, such as surgery to remove blood clots and relieve pressure on the brain.

There, others who have suffered similar injuries can help you learn about the problems related to your injury, teach you coping strategies, and offer emotional support. If you, your son or daughter, or your older father have suffered a minor blow to the head, you can first see your family doctor or pediatrician for an initial examination. It is important to note that these symptoms often occur even when there is no damage to the brain and that the fear of suffering a brain injury, even if there is none, can be very distressing and can delay recovery. A postconcussion syndrome is a name given to the range of symptoms that continue to occur after a minor head injury or concussion.

This type of brain injury can cause bleeding in or around the brain, causing symptoms such as prolonged sleepiness and confusion. Call an ambulance if your child or older loved one has lost consciousness for more than a minute, doesn't wake up, has a possible neck injury, shows worsening symptoms, has numbness that lasts, or has weakness on one side of the body (can't lift the arm or leg, or has an uneven smile). The general conclusion seems to be that the vast majority of people who suffer a minor head injury recover completely, usually after 3-4 months. Common injuries that cause concussions include falls or other direct blows to the head, car accidents, and explosion injuries from explosions.

This is one of the reasons why it is so important to carefully observe a person with a concussion during the first 24 to 48 hours after the concussion and seek immediate attention if symptoms worsen. That's why anyone who suffers a brain injury needs to be monitored in the hours after and emergency care if symptoms worsen. Also, the main symptom of concussion, headache, can be the result of spasms and inflammation in the jaw muscles after a blow to the jaw. These lesions affect brain function, usually for a short time, resulting in signs and symptoms of concussion.

Go to an emergency room if you or someone with you has suffered a head injury and has lost consciousness, vomits, has seizures, or has obvious difficulties with mental function or physical coordination. .